8 The Energist | Vol.2 No.1 Winter 2015New Kingdoms… this is the name ofSilvia Hartmann's small 'cupcake'painting that I bought on the 1st ofNovember 2014 at the AMT EnergyConference. From the first time that I sawthe painting, I knew that 'New Kingdoms' hasa special meaning for me!Since the AMT Energy Conference inNovember I have visited my own NewKingdoms, four countries of the former SovietUnion, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia andEstonia. And in all the countries I have spread information aboutThe AMT, energy, EFT, EMO and all other aspects of energywork.It was fantastic few weeks of love, creativity, passion andopenness. Different countries, different mentalities, differentstories, yet all the people want the same, to be happy, healthyand rich.My favourite instrument that helps people to raise theirconsciousness is the SUE (Subject Units of Experience) Scale.The idea to live on +10 energy is such a great one, that everyoneaccepted it from the first glance!One man from Kazakhstan told me: “At last I have a tool howto measure happiness!” The SUE Scale helps people tounderstand what happened with them in the past, how they feelthemselves in the “here and now”, and what to do to be happyin the future.I was really surprised that in all the countries I visited is thatthere is one similarity, people are too tired to fight for success.They are open to the idea that the universe is abundant andeveryone can have all their wishes come true. The SUE Scale isvery useful for those, who are applying the law of attraction,The ‘living on +10’ concept is really the secret behind "TheSecret."Positive EFT was another tool that surprised and amusedpeople. One lady in Kazakhstan who after tapping four roundsof Positive EFT for “Money Energy," said that for the first timein her life, she feels happy thinking about money. “I feel that Ireally love money and that it is possible for me to be rich," shesaid.People are open to try tapping in different areas of human life.Pain, fear, traumatic experience, low self-estimation, limitingbelieves and so forth. On my trainings we applied those todifferent cases yet with the same fast results.One lady in Riga, Latvia asked me: “Is the information aboutEFT secret or can everyone find out about it?", and I responded:“No, EFT is for everyone and any one can use it, even for free!”She then said: "Why don't more people know about it?! Youshould tell everyone how easy and beautiful EFT is, it will changetheir lives!”I will follow her advice, to tell people about the EFT, EMO andPositive Energy. I will expand my New Kingdoms, I will sharemy knowledge with the people around the world. It was nocoincidence when I bought Silvia's painting. It was my mission,and I am on the way to completing it.Katerina Kalchenko is an expert energy healer and the firstAMT Trainer from Ukraine. To contact Katerina head to her AMTprofile page: tinyurl.com/amtkaterina and for her Russian-language website head to happykaterina.com.New KingdomsKATERINA KALCHENKOEnergy healing and EFT breaking new frontiersI always knew that the RainbowConnection was a wonderful thing to do,but this spring at the EMO (Energy InMotion) Master Practitioner training, I hadsuch a wonderful experience with it that Iwanted to share this one.I was doing an exercise with three otherpeople and we started talking, one man inmy group shared the experience ofintegrating his feminine side in a training.That brought me the idea to do a Rainbow Connection withmy masculine concept and my feminine concept. My feminineconcept was about three meters diagonal from me at my rightside, the masculine concept was about twice as far on theother side. So with the help of the group members I broughtthem closer, one of them helped to make the connectionbetween them. I personally like it that the two conceptsmerge and then I take it all in and let it flow in, through andout.So I proceeded to do that and OH MY GOD, what anexperience! I felt like the sun, it was as if the room lit up withmy energy. People who know me, know that I am not a veryoutgoing and jumpy person, but I started to get jumpy,started to get hot and I had to take of my cardigan. It wasthe greatest, very best energised end state I ever had, andit lasted for hours.Even now when I talk about it to other people I can still feela bit of that glow. My eyes start to sparkle, I guess I look bettertoo. It is getting a bit less but still, I want to tell everybodywith energy awareness about it.The Rainbow Connection is pattern designed by SilviaHartmann (see tinyurl.com/amtrainbow). You take twoconcepts that are opposites for you, or something that you likeand something that you dislike. You can try anything basically.Then you decide how far away they are and you try to bringthem closer.This often requires a lot of EMO and it can be handy to havesomeone with you to encourage and help you. If they are closeenough, you make a connection between them with yourhands. Information travels from one concept to another andit is interesting to give information and to take information infrom both concepts.Of course you can take more than two concepts, but if youhaven’t done this before I think two is enough to start with.You don’t need to merge them and take them in to begin with,that is my personal favourite, but it is not needed. I hope youwill give it a go and establish your own Rainbow Connection!Margreet Vink is an experienced EMO Master Practitioner andAMT Trainer from the Netherlands. To contact Margreet headto her AMT profile page: tinyurl.com/amtvink and for herDutch-language website head to: emotrance.nlThe Rainbow ConnectionMARGREET VINKAchieving the ultimate energized end state with EMO
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