The Energist | Vol.2 No.1 Winter 2015 9Re-connect with and unfold yourunlimited spiritual frequencies, ofinformation, light and sounds…Correcting psychological reversalwas one of the main elementsin classic EFT.In Energy EFT we leave thepsychological out, and connect withthe Heart’s intelligence through ourhealing energy hands.One of the main protocols used in“HEAT” (Holistic Energy AlignmentTool) and Drum Circle Tapping sessions is re-establishingthe vibratory identity, even before de-stressing theenergy mind.The key is in our first name given at birth, deeply rootedin ”social identity”, from which we are often disconnected,simply by states of fusion or resistance with partners,family, friends, or collectivities and even from pastrelationships.We have also developed simple protocols in ouradvanced trainings to quickly locate and de-program“Identity Imprints” in the organs and nervous system’scellular memories.One of our latest discoveries with our energy tool, HEATis that, in addition to our social identity we all have ahigher vibratory connection, a unique expression of the“source” of all that is.Each human being is an extension of this everexpanding source.So once we are connected to our social Identity we maythen raise our frequencies by activating our own creative“source” energy.For my wife Renée and I, this should be the universaldefault procedure before using any energy tool.And we suggest that you teach all of your clients, familyand friends how to “re-connect” rapidly with the freeenergy protocols on the link at the end of this article.In the world we live in, energy is polarized andconstantly unfolding into the manifested world that wesee.A relatively new concept states that the universe iscomposed of approximately 4% “visible matter”, 23%“dark matter” and 73% “dark energy”.These frequencies of dark matter and energy are theenergy-matter of the higher planes of the Hindu,Buddhist, and Shamanic cosmologies and the hiddenspatial dimensions of modern string theory.Our neuronal activity is directly influenced by thepolarized energies” of the three-dimensional world or “thehard” as Silvia Hartmann calls it, and is linked to thelimbic brain and pre-frontal cortex.On the other hand the neocortex and the centralnervous system contain over 90 billion star shaped cellscalled astrocytes that are not influenced by polarity.They interact with frequencies of primordial light andinformation emanating from “dark matter” and “darkenergy” forming 96% of the non-manifested universe.We now know that our physical reality and the body’ssymptoms, are the result of the densification of ourcollective and individual thought forms within the matrix,filtering down into the 4% of this manifested world.We are all creating reality as we know it… so, what youknow is what you get… literally!Astrocytes are the key to full brain activity, they send,receive and hold the memories of frequencies of non-manifested light and are especially activated by sounds,rhythms and colours.Studies have shown that playing a musical instrumentengages whole brain activity not to mention the otherbenefits on the whole metabolism (see YouTube: “Howplaying an instrument benefits your brain" - Anita Collins.)When we listen to shamanic drumming and tap the EFTpoints, the resonance and pulsations of the drum inducefrequencies of light that stimulate DNA, the centralnervous system and the neo-cortex; in consequence theastrocytes light up, creating an inter dimensional bridgebetween worlds.This unfolds the possibility to pierce the veil of the“hard” universe to engage new patterns of healing.Drum Circle Tapping connects to heart energy, withfocused intention we open a vortex and connect with the“source” that we are, and witness the healing processfrom a more sacred place…By doing the transmutation protocols and micromeditations with “HEAT”* we transmute energies inthrough and out of our energy centres on all levels.It’s like learning to play our musical “bodies”, activatingthe whole brain, creating chain reactions, of healingpotentials within the matrix, by stretching our oldparadigms beyond the limits of the polarized energies ofthe mind/body system.From another vantage point the neuronal system is likethe hard disc in your computer and the astrocytes arelike a backup storage system on the “cloud” at the sourceof the universe.The hard disc stores data in the brain but when injuredthe memories are lost…. In certain cases of brain injuries,memories are somehow mysteriously downloaded fromthe “cloud” (See Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s morphogenic fieldtheory)!This vibratory realm of frequencies is the primordialplayground of our inner Shaman on the path back to fullhealing potentials of earth medicine that knows no limits!Our wish is that this information may open your mindto a different vantage point of what you know and havenot applied yet or open new horizons of experience foryou in your life experience.*(Holistic Energy Alignment Tool created by Mark &Renée Robertson)Mark Robertson and his wife Renée are AMT EFTMaster Practitioners, live a small village in Normandynear Giverny in an old Catholic school house that theyhave transformed into an Energy sanctuary and trainingcentre, providing healing “Pauses for Well Being” forsmall groups, couples and individual experiences inenergy.Mark is the creator of “Drum circle Tapping” or ShamanicEFT, which he presented in 2011 and 2013 at the AMTEnergy Conference.They have co-created “HEAT” and are in the process ofwriting the French edition, to be translated in English soon.Visit this link on our English website to download yourfree energy gift and be on the mailing list for furtherinformation: Mark’s profile page on The AMT to Live 2015 Differently!MARK ROBERTSONDiscover the difference between social and soul identity
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