The Energist | Vol.1 No.29EMO (Energy In Motion) is the mostsimple and natural process fortransforming our emotional state.It works by paying attention to thephysical sensations in the body that wenow understand to be our emotions, thefeedback from the energy body, andusing our intention to soften and flow,releasing the internal pressure of ourblocked emotions and restoring the flowof our new positive emotions.It all boils down to the fact that “It's all energy”, and simplya question of “is it flowing?” or “is it blocked?” Simple? Yes,but the implications of this discovery are far reaching andprofound and take us beyond healing and therapy and intoa life of living with Energy In Motion.In 2002, Silvia Hartmann launched EmoTrance, I was thereas a sceptical newbie to energy, but after my first experienceof energy expanding in my chest and whooshing throughoutmy body in a flow of joy and tears, I was hooked and I beganmy own real exploration of energy, emotion and personaltransformation.EmoTrance was so much simpler than the Classic EFT thatI’d been using for two years, so much more versatile andcould be integrated within many other therapies andtransferred into daily life.EmoTrance lets us live with energy, softening and flowingour way through daily events and interactions as theyhappen and as we learn not just about healing, but aboutcreativity, about performance, about relationships, aboutlove and feeling energised in life.EmoTrance and ‘Emotional Transformation’ became a morelimiting way of looking at what really had much widerimplications.Whatever the interaction in life it was all about Energy inMotion, going in, through and out of our energy system,bringing us something and transforming us as it flowed.Energy In Motion became the new and more appropriatename to represent the evolution from the more therapeuticEmoTrance, to living with energy on a daily basis.The new EMO Master Practitioner was launched in April2014 as a logical evolutionary step for EmoTrance.Combining the best of the old EmoTrance Practitioner andAdvanced Practitioner Trainings plus a lot more patterns andexplorations for living with energy added in order to createEMO Master Practitioners.The EMO Master Practitioner three-day pre-conferencetraining is a great opportunity for existing EmoTrancePractitioners to get up to date, for those looking for selfdevelopment and the energist's way of life, or to help clientswith this most simple and profound modality that we havein modern energy work today.Silvia Hartmann recently revealed the new EMO MasterPractitioner course which takes all that has been learnedand researched since the original EmoTrance technique wasfirst developed in 2002 and integrates it into a three-daycourse which the likes of has never been seen before.To find out more details about the EMO Master Practitionercourse and a list of upcoming events, head Master Practitioner • 29th-31st OctoberSANDRA HILLAWII believe the three most important thingsto get from a workshop are LEARNING,EMPOWERMENT and ENJOYMENT. I'vedesigned my events offered at this year’sAMT Energy and EFT Conference to offerplenty of all 3.You’ll LEARN about the POWER we allpossess that is waiting for each of us to applyfor successful, JOYOUS living. This powerhas everything to do with energy.Actually, it has everything to do with EVERTHING, and as youlearn to skilfully apply this simple power and clear away the internalobstacles to its FULL mastery, you’ll be opening to your “NaturalMind” (the EMPOWERED mind with the veils between subconsciousand conscious levels of awareness lifted).From here, the need to physically stimulate energy meridianpoints through tapping, touching, or rubbing to resolve problemsbecomes unnecessary. Energy takes its rightful places as the fieldemerging from your simple awareness and the servant of yourintentions and expectancy. The natural result of successfullyapplying your natural mind is PEACE AND JOY.The method I’ll be sharing with you in the workshop andbreakout is BE SET FREE FAST™: the discovery of energypsychology innovator Dr. Larry Nims. Larry refined and simplifiedhis methodology until it relied only on awareness, intention, andthe power of the subconscious mind to resolve the root causes ofwhatever emotional, psychological, or mind/body problem isnoticed and targeted.In the breakout, you’ll LEARN to more fully experience and beled by your Heart’s Desire and Life’s Purpose using a simplifiedversion of BSFF. My intention is for you to use thisspiritual/energetic compass to EMPOWER your life’s journey, andto ENJOY the experience! If you attended last year’s breakout,you’ll learn yet another way to empower yourself and experiencejoy! If you missed it, this is your chance to see what all the fuss isabout!The post-conference workshop takes you deeper into thepotentials of your natural mind; you will LEARN to work with thecomplete BSFF instructions and protocols, taking EMPOWERMENTfar beyond what’s in the breakout. You’ll also learn and experience3 more pathways to NATURAL JOY. This is the official 2-day BasicBSFF Practitioner Training redesigned by originator Dr. Larry Nimsand myself.Larry says this new training is “the best BSFF training EVER.”There’s a 1-day Intro option if you can’t make both days (It’spossible to take the rest of the training later to receive the “BasicPractitioner Certificate”). Feel free to contact me through my website: BSFF by attending either a 1-day Introduction to BSFF or 2day BSFF Practitioner training.The full 2-day training qualifies as the official Basic Practitionertraining for BSFF, and those who complete it receive a certificateof training designating them as Basic Practitioners of BSFF.Includes practice, demonstrations, a summary of the BSFF processat work, a review of common mental obstacles preventing onefrom applying BSFF, how thorough application avoids commonproblems, ethical limitations of practice and Q&A.To book your place on the course go to The AMT’s Set Free Fast!™ • 3rd-4th NovemberALFRED HEATH
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