The Energist | Vol.2 No.1 Winter 2015 19At the heart of The AMT's endeavours lies the creation,research and testing of the new and original methods andtechniques before they are introduced to members or the generalpublic in the form of articles, papers, books, training manualsand eventually, complete training programs.In March of 2009, Silvia Hartmann created the StarFields VIPgroup – a think tank for modern energists, a mastermind groupwhich she describes as “the energist's SETI.”Silvia says, “SETI is the name for aprogram to search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. This program,instead of running huge supercomputers, makes use of theprogramming capacity of many,many computers around the world.That's the same thing that happensin a mastermind group. You gettogether and you get to think withmore than your own mind, and youdon't have to be a single supercomputer to do amazing feats ofcomputing that way. It's the power of the group which becomesmore than the sum of its parts.”Over the last five years, the VIP group was the genesis ofpatterns from Positive EFT to the Soul Pilots, and from developingthe protocols of Energy EFT to advanced Energy Magic patterns.“The StarFields VIP group was always the driver of creativityand research for modern energists, so it now seems the righttime to put this back together and invite AMT Trainers and MasterEnergists to join if they want to.”Renamed to “The Energists Research Group,” this think tankis for advanced energists with a sincere and ongoing commitmentto experimentation and exploration.Silvia explains, “The key to developing new patterns is to betotally honest as to what is going on. We look at what works butwe also look at what doesn't work, and this is highly cross-contextual. Energy is everywhere, and there is no part of life thatdoesn't change considerably when you apply the energyparadigm to it – and it doesn't matter ifthat's the boardroom, or the bedroom.”To have an ongoing, standing creativeresearch department to further developthe ideas, techniques and applications inthe Third Field has been called “the jewelin The AMT's crown.” There is nocomparable peer group anywhere elsecoming together with the clear intentiontowards evolution, the will to challengeall and every existing belief aroundenergy and to create truthful, practical and highly realisticpatterns that can benefit us all.The AMT Energists Research Group (ERG):• Open to AMT Trainers, AMT Trainer’s Trainers and MasterEnergists• Led by Silvia Hartmann• Subscription based at £9.99 per month• Subscribe at I had the best of times presentingat THE AMT Enenergy Conferenceback in November and it seems thetopic of the Spirit of Your Home is a popularone!And rightfully so I say, we spend a hell of alot of time in our houses and we want theenergy, therein to be flowing so that the housereally does become the home. Energy is afterall, not just what WE are, but it is also whateverything else IS! Ignoring that fact can mean we don’t look atthe full picture in our energy work.Helping people to move house, to find a house, to clear a house,or land or structure comes down to one simple procedure everytime, hunting out the blocks and then creating Even Flow oncemore. And people being people, I find, nine times out of ten, thatthe majority of the blocks are of their own making, rather than juststuck energy within four walls. We are so good at creating blocksthat we no longer see them in ourselves, but instead project themonto something else!Of course energy can become stuck in a house. The reasons forthis are many and varied. It could be that two people had a blazingrow in the kitchen. They went away, and then made up, but didn’tunderstand that that zig- zagging crazy energy was still flyingaround the kitchen.That EVENT was still happening in that room! They didn’t knowthat, the reason all their disagreements tend to start in the kitchen,is because this event is still impacting THEIR energy when theywalk into the room.I have read of many different ways to clear energy in thesesituations, from scrubbing the surfaces with salt to moving a pieceof furniture (which can be damned hard to do in a kitchen wheremost of it is fitted), but by far the easiest, quickest and simplestthing for an energist to do is to simply ask the energy mind to showus what is going on. We don’t need to know the root cause of theproblem, we just need to be guided to what to work with. Insteadof “Show me with your hands”, we ask, “Show me with my EnergyMind.”The problem may present in many different ways, but asking forit to be shown as an entity is often an easy way to deal with it. Wecan keep on asking questions of the Energy Mind until we see whatto do. And then we do it, on that level of energy, using energy. Wedon’t need to scrub, or move things, we just need to clear theenergy and let it flow in, through and out once more.As a quick example, if you are presented with a stormy entity,full of thunder and lightning, blast it with sunshine and rainbowsuntil it disperses and runs clear. I find blasting most things withsunshine type energy works a treat and really shifts the wholeatmosphere in a house. But do remember that it is better to keepasking questions of your energy mind to find the right way for youAND your home.And if you ever get stuck and need a hand… Who ya gonna call?!Kirsten Ivatts is an AMT EFT Master Practitioner from Derbyshire,England, who uses many energy modalities in her work. Focusingon removing blocks and limitations, Energetic House Clearing, andworking with Business Entities.Kirsten can be reached through her website: kirstenivatts.comThe Spirit Of Your HomeKIRSTEN IVATTSFixing the energy of your house and your environmentThe Energists Research Group
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