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4 The Energist | Vol.2 No.1 Winter 2015AMT Energy Conference 2014 - Biggest Conference Ever!We are pleased to say that the recent AMT Energy Conference inEastbourne was an overwhelming success, with over 140 delegatesin attendance over the two days in November.As well as the fantastic presenters and their immersivepresentations, the delegates loved the new venue, The View Hotel,situated on Eastbourne’s seafront a stone’s throw away from itshistoric pier.To read Silvia Hartmann and AMT Director Alex Kent’s conferencereports, plus feedback from the delegates themselves, head to page6-7.Tickets for the AMT Energy Conference 2015 (The View Hotel,Eastbourne, UK, 10-11 October) are on sale now and discounts areavailable for booking early. Head to our website for moreinformation: TheAMT.com/conferenceThe AMT Reaches 1,000 MembersOver the past few years The AMT has been growing at an incrediblerate, and we are happy to announce that shortly after the AMTEnergy Conference at the start of November, we passed thelandmark figure of 1,000 Professional and Standard members ofThe AMT!At the time of printing, we currently stand at 1,070members from all corners of the globe, including Australia,Canada, Turkey, Egypt and Brazil.With the availability of Standard Membership for thosethat do not wish to practice energy work professionally, TheAMT and this journal are more accessible than ever, and wewill continue to provide the best services for our members.Find out more about the different levels of membershipand the benefits available by heading to our website:TheAMT.com/join.htmSuccessful Year For AMT Course GraduatesDuring the year of 2014 we are happy to say that over 500energists obtained a new AMT certification, the most popularbeing Silvia Hartmann’s flagship EFT Master Practitionercourse with just over 250 of you completing that course.For the full list of AMT course graduates and whatcertification they obtained, head to page 28-29 of thismagazine.Positive EFT Auf Deutsch!Fans of Silvia Hartmann and modern EnergyEFT will be pleased to learn that her best-selling book, Positive EFT, has beentranslated into the German language! We are excited that our German speakingfriends have access to the companion toEnergy EFT, as Positive EFT opens the doorfor anyone to feel better and understand whywe're so excited about modern energy work.Published by VAK, the book can be purchased fromAmazon Germany by following this link:tinyurl.com/PositiveEFTdeWillem Lammers Publishes New BooksIn January 2015, experienced AMT Trainer Willem Lammers willhave not one, but two new books published:1. "Self-Coaching with Logosynthesis" will tell you how you canapply Logosynthesis for your own issues that hurt you, harm youor just irritate you:2:"Logosynthesis. Healing with Words": a handbook for thehelping professions with a preface by Fred Gallo. This handbookcontains a description of the model and the method ofLogosynthesis, a very powerful system of guided change.The books will be published through CreateSpace and you'll findfurther details on the Logosynthesis website: logosynthesis.netGisèle Bourgoin Becomes AMT Energist Trainer TrainerCongratulations to Gisèle Bourgoin fromCanada for her appointment as AMT EnergistTrainer Trainer. Gisèle joined The AMT in 2008and has been championing EmoTrance (EMO)in North America ever since and wrote thefirst French-language book on the subject inDecember 2013.If you are a professional member looking tobecome an AMT trainer (or need to upgradeyour old AMT trainer license) and Canada is convenient foryou, then please contact Gisèle via her AMT members page:tinyurl.com/giselebourgoinAMT Member Downloads Area LaunchedSince being introduced shortly after the AMT EnergyConference 2014, the AMT members-only download areaon TheAMT.com has been a big success, with over a 100accessing it in the first month alone.Currently featuring AMT Energy Conference 2013downloads including Silvia Hartmann’s popular ‘InfiniteCreativity’ talk, the AMT Member Downloads area will beconstantly replenished with new downloads from a range ofsubjects that will appeal to all energists.Director of The AMT, Alex Kent, spoke highly of the AMTMember Downloads area; “We are thrilled to offer this areaon TheAMT.com as another exclusive benefit to becominga member of The AMT."As well as this magazine, AMT member only groups andother benefits, we are pleased to be able to offer ourmembers even better value for money."To access the AMT Member Downloads Area, head to ourwebsite: TheAMT.com/members/downloadsGuild Of Energists Art Group Launches First ExhibitionWe are very excited to be able toannounce the first virtual onlineexhibition of energy art from theGuild of Energists: Art & MagicFacebook group.Entitled "WE ARE HERE!" this isthe very first of many get-together's of modern energy artistsworldwide. Silvia Hartmann, curatorof the exhibit said; “Energy art isfinally here and to me, thisrepresents a personal triumph.“Enjoy the exhibition, learn more about energy and art,and unleash the magical energy artist within!”To view the online exhibition, head to our art website:1-art.eu/art4energists2014.htm and to join the Guild ofEnergists: Art & Magic Facebook group, follow this link:facebook.com/groups/art4energistsEight New Turkish EFT Master PractitionersWe would like to offer a huge congratulations to AMT EnergistTrainer Murat Aydin who recently trained eight new EFTMaster Practitioners in Kayseri, Turkey.Murat said of the two day training; “We had greatawareness, magnificent healing events and wonderful groupenergy during training. Thank you Silvia Hartmann forprepare this fascinating training and thank you Sandra Hillawifor bringing it to us”Thanks to the hard work of experienced AMT Trainer’sTrainer Sandra Hillawi, more and more people are taking AMTtrainings and courses in Turkey, and we look forward toseeing how EFT, EMO and Project Sanctuary knowledgedevelops in the country over the years to follow.AMT Announcements & NewsFor the latest AMT news, head to our Facebook page: facebook.com/TheAMTOnline
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