The Energist | Vol.2 No.1 Winter 2015 7It was Wednesday morning, 9am, andI was in the car on my way from myhome to the new conference venue onEastbourne sea front. It was a strangefeeling after all these many years walkingdown the corridors at the Europa Gatwickfor breakfast and I was still ambivalentabout whether we had made the rightchoice in moving the conference.I was also reflecting on change in general,and how much easier it is to stick with the status quo than tofind the courage and step forward into the unknown of thenew; a little nervous about the training as this was the firstever Master Energist starting this morning; and then ...We turned the corner onto the sea front, and there was theglorious sunshine bursting out of the most brilliant whiteclouds, exploding the blue sea into diamond sparkles and ittook my breath away. Oh - my - GOD!Yes, I had an event that morning, and when you know thesetypes of events, then you know I knew then we had done theright thing, but more, I knew this was going to be simplybeyond expectations.If there's one thing I know, it's ENERGY. If there's one thingI know, then I know what it's like to be an ENERGIST.A person who really feels it, sees it, hears it and it'sextraordinary. It lifts you up from the mundane and makesyou human, and that's beyond amazing.I entered into the three day Master Energist's "training" tomeet the others who were there from that state of mind, andnone of us ever looked back. We had the most extraordinaryexperiences with, through and in the company of each otherand I guess you could say we fell in love.Isn't that what you go to a conference for? Exactly that? Toconnect with other people and share not just the sort ofinformation you get from a handouts manual but that invisibleenergy that moves you, that nourishes you, that EVOLVESyou? Change doesn't happen by money, it happens by people.And people was exactly what this conference - all our energist'sconferences! - is all about.In the room next door, there was the group doing the EFTMaster Practitioner, and they were blown away and werestarting to float in their own right. By the time my masterswere declared on Friday, the other delegates had started toarrive in the hotel and it all just took off from there.From the Friday evening introduction "Who we are and whatwe're about!" for the local community, to my opening speechfor the main conference and then into the conference proper,there was the best atmosphere I've ever experienced at anyconference, and I have attended many.It's an extraordinary thing to be a part of that. It makes meproud and over and over again, grateful to be an energist, tobe here at the inception of our brand new Third Field, and tobe physically meeting other energists from around the world.As different as we all are, as individual as we all are, we allhave one thing in common that truly binds us - we want tomake the world a better place, and that means to make ourown worlds a better place.We have learned and understood that our happinessmatters; that it is our own energy that lights the beacon, lightsthe fire in other people. We have understood that the more wehave, the more we have to give; and when you are surroundedby people who all truly want to give, it becomes easy then totake it in, and use it to let yourself expand. So much energy.So much positive intention.It was amazing, it was heart warming (in the literally senseof the word!) and I can't wait until we meet again.I want to say a huge, huge THANK YOU!!! to the presentersand delegates, the trainers and the newbies, the wonderfullyhelpful people at The View and of course, the insanely hardworking staff from TheAMT who created the platform so ourenergy magic could happen.THANK YOU.See you anew - in October!~ Silvia Hartmann, Chair of The AMT.Tickets for the AMT Energy Conference 2015 (October 10-11 @ The View Hotel, Eastbourne, UK) are now on sale. Discounts are available forbooking early, head to our website, or call (+44) 01323 700800 to reserve your place at THE energy event of the year!AMT Energy Conference 2014 - Delegate FeedbackFeeling awesome. I am still on a high after afabulous weekend at the AMT EnergyConference. This was my first conference andthank you to everyone for making it somemorable, I didn't want it to end. Hugethanks also to the AMT team for all your hardwork. It was amazing and my place is alreadybooked for next year. - Marion HindI really enjoyed the whole experience, reallyappreciate the hard work that goes intomaking it happen. Lovely to meet so manynew people, delighted to catch up with all thefamiliar faces and a message to some of thepast regulars who didn't come this time - youmissed a great event and I missed yourpresence - would love to see you there nextyear. - Jo Helesfay-EvansI just wanted to congratulate you on puttingtogether a fantastic conference at the weekend!There was an amazing atmosphere and energypresent, and so much helpful informationshared. I was reminded again of what a trulyoriginal and gifted teacher Silvia is. I nearly felloff my chair laughing in her talk on marketingfor energists, she is great! - Amy KiberdIt really was an excellent conference, the bestyet. Alex, you are a conference genius as wellas a technical genius! A huge well done to theAMT team! - Sandra HillawiWhat a great conference! A big thanks toeveryone who attended my presentation'Get Lucky', and for their fantasticcomments. - Peter DelvesI had such an amazing conference witheveryone. SO much energy flowing in thatbuilding, really something special. Thankyou to anyone I didn't manage to thank inperson for all the help and inspiration yougave me. Energists rock! - Kirsten IvattsThanks to Silvia, the AMT team, presentersand guests for such a wonderful, energyfilled conference. There was anundercurrent of flow and peace to theevent, unlike anything i have experiencedbefore. AMAZING. - Sharon King“Surround yourself with people who makeyou hungry for life, touch your heart, andnourish your soul.” Just got back fromseveral days doing just this! Thanks toSilvia, Alex, and all fellow energists(present in body and otherwise) who madeit an EVENT! - Laura MobergI loved every minute of it. The energy atthe conference was wonderful. That issaying something. Thank you Alex and alsoSilvia. Silvia you are such an inspiration. -Richard FlookA Great Big Thank you for giving me theblessing of such a wonderful experience. Iam so happy. I don’t think there is so muchlife anywhere else as there was this year inEastbourne. - Margarita FoleyIt was difficult to pick my favourite thing aboutthe conference. The talks this year were evenbetter than last year. Coming together like thisis so important! Can we have an extra daynext year? - Tina BeckhamThis weekend, I felt completely immersed inenergy. I felt as if I was able to hone in andexperience the love, which is our true source.The energy was wonderful, and I felt as if wewere like family, and this, a family gathering.- Karen RaynerOverall, this weekend was amazing! Thevenue was perfect, and the daily structure andchoices were excellent. Choosing a favouritepresenter would be like choosing just one itemfrom a gourmet buffet! - Deborah Wiggins-HayI came to Eastbourne from Canada especiallyfor this event, and I am so incredibly gratefulto everyone! This was my premierconference and I completely and totally lovedit! It was an amazing experience to learnmore about the energy work out there.Blessings to all! - Maggie Brown
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