The Energist | Vol.1 No.25Energist Selfies!Here are just some of the dozens of selfies we have have received from energists around the world proudlyshowing off their copy of the first edition of The Energist! Keep them coming and you could be featured in afuture edition.This makes it perfect for reading the magazine on your smartphones, tablet devices and Kindle readers.Head to our website to find out how to download the digitalversion of The Energist magazine: Aimee Sanjari!As many of you might know, Joshua Alliston has departed The AMTto pursue a career in pastures new.We would like to thank Alliston for his six years of good servicewith The AMT and now we join together welcoming Brighton-basedAimee Sanjari to the team!Sanjari has an strong background in marketing, PR and eventmanagement, and previously held a top position at a British flightsimulation software company.New Matrix Reimprinting Book Released“Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life” is the new bookfrom Matrix Reimprinting creator Karl Dawson and MasterPractitioner Kate Marillat.Seven years on from the birth of Matrix Reimprinting - a powerfultechnique that uses EFT to resolve traumas from our past - itscreator, Dawson, has adapted his revolutionary technique to ensurethat practitioners focus on core beliefs to achieve lasting change intheir clients' lives.This book explores how this work can help with everything fromanxiety, grief, phobias and pain management, to parenting andself-image.Find out more about the book and how to order your copy, headto Amazon using this link:
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