The Energist | Vol.1 No.24EFT & Energy Conference Tickets - Almost SOLD OUT!There are less than 10 tickets left for the EFT & Energy Conference2014 at The View Hotel (formerly The Eastbourne Centre),Eastbourne, UK!We have recently added several new presenters to the conferenceline-up, including AMT Trainers Sandra Hillawi and Olivier Peltier aswell as Ukrainian EFT Master Practitioner Katerina Kalchenko, makingthis the must-attend event of the year for all energists!To book your ticket and to find out more about the presenters, theconference and the venue, head to our Standard Membership Now AvailableIn the last few years, the energy scene has really burst out of thetherapy room. We're seeing all vocations embrace AMT energycourses, from teachers and nurses to currency traders and businessowners.Now that The AMT is attracting more and more people through ourtrainings that haven't come from or are going to a therapy profession,we've created a new class of membership called “StandardMembership” which includes subscription to this magazine, alongsidea number of other benefits. Anyone can subscribe to StandardMembership, which is currently priced at just £25.00/year.Professional Members of The AMT receive all the benefits ofStandard Membership plus many more that are suited to workingpractitioners and trainers, including license to practice, discountedinsurance and referrals by telephone or online.For further information on all the benefits of the three types of AMTmembership and how to upgrade your membership head to ourwebsite: & Post Conference TrainingsWe have put together a fantastic selection of training options forbefore and after this year’s EFT & Energy Conference in November.These include Silvia Hartmann globally debuting her brand new,Master Energist training for the very first time.Further courses available include Introduction to EFT/ PositiveEFT with Alex Kent, EFT Master Practitioner with Wendy Birse, EMOMaster Practitioner with Sandra Hillawi, AMT Energist training withHartmann and BSFF with Alfred Heath.Find out more about the trainings and what the presenters haveto say by heading to pages 6-10 of this journalFor further information and how to book your place on thetrainings, head to our website: Publishing Joins The AMTWe are excited to announce that the publishing company behindmany popular books on EFT, EmoTrance, NLP and ProjectSanctuary, has just joined the same stable of companies as TheAMT.DragonRising Publishing's first title, “Project Sanctuary”, wasreleased in 1996, but are probably best known for publishing theoriginal book on EFT called “Adventures in EFT” by Silvia Hartmannin 1999, helping spread the word about tapping. Since then, thecompany has published many popular titles including “EmoTrance- Oceans Of Energy”, “Energy EFT” and “Positive EFT” by SilviaHartmann and, most recently, “Parenting with Heart & Soul” byKelly Burch.The synergy between our two companies means that we'll beable to utilise the publishing and distribution expertise to help morepeople find out about The AMT and our work promoting modernenergy techniques to the general public.DragonRising Publishing also gains not-for-profit status, so youknow that any surplus income made from your purchases will bereinvested in furthering these aims.To find out more about DragonRising Publishing, it’s expansivecatalogue of books, courses and audio downloads and more, headto its website: DragonRising.comAMT Members Facebook GroupThe AMT now has a Facebook group set up exclusively for AMTMembers of all levels of membership and experiences, you can findit by searching for ‘AMT Members’ in your Facebook search bar orfollowing this link: group represents the perfect place to discuss the latest AMTnews and events, advertise your trainings/events and help otherspromote their own. Talk about the EFT & Energy Conference, set upand exchange practice sessions and anything else you can think ofthat is related to the AMT or being an energist!On the subject of Facebook, we are also pleased to announce thatthe general EFT discussion group on has reached an incredible 17,000members! Go to to join the group.Sally Canning Wins 'Inspiring Women' Award!As many of you know, AMT Trainer Sally Canning was nominated foran award in the Trainer/Speaker category as part of the AnnualWomen Inspiring Women National Awards which took place inBirmingham, UK last July.Once the nominations were announced, it was down to the publicto vote for their winner. Sally fought off tough competition but cameout on top to claim the award! All of us at the AMT would like tocongratulate Canning on the award and hope that even morerecognition is soon on its way!Canning said of her achievement, “I'm doing a happy dance rightnow! A huge thank you to all of you who nominated, voted, and joinedus to celebrate in style are a gift to everyone that took part.”You can read more from Canning about her award win and muchmore on page 22, as she is the featured trainer this edition.Positive Energy 2015 Kickstart With Silvia HartmannSilvia Hartmann will be hosting a Positive Energy Kickstart event on11th January 2015 at Sedgwick Park House, Horsham, West Sussex,UKForget New Year's Resolutions - DO something proactive instead.Experience the Power of the Group supporting your goals and plansfor 2015, empowering you, lifting you, and becoming the windbeneath YOUR wings under the sublime stewardship of Silvia.Be one of the lucky few who will experience THE POWER OF THEPOSITIVES on 1.11 and energize YOUR year like never before.Find out more about the event and how to book your place byheading to our website: Wilmont Presenting At The Conference!EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Master Practitioner Ted Wilmont hasbeen officially confirmed for the EFT & Energy Conference!Here is what Wilmont had to say about his presentation, entitled:‘Connection In The Matrix’;“I will talk about my experiences using Matrix Reimprinting thathave shown me how we are all connected, and when we practice EFTand Matrix Reimprinting we bring awareness to the client who oftenfeels isolated and powerless. This isolation is where we make negativebeliefs and our isolation and limitations are reinforced.My work and experience has shown me that among the first primalbeliefs mankind develops is the perception of being cast out and thefield of fear that we create from this.Using our powerful energy therapies, as energists we keep ourclients out of that fear and they can create feelings of community andinclusion. It is from this knowing that healing and empowerment canoccur.”Find out more about the other presenters and how to book your placeat the conference by heading to our website: Version Of The Energist Now AvailableWe are pleased to announce that every version of The Energist willbe available to be downloaded and viewed free-of-charge, shortlyafter publication of the print edition!AMT Announcements & NewsFor the latest AMT news, head to our Facebook page:
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